Центральная детская библиотека

"The realm of literary treasures"

From the words of a wise man
There is a house of books – a LIBRARY.
Let us, in this house we're in,
Day along with the book will live!

 One day there comes a time when you need to get acquainted with a large flow of books. Where may occur an acquaintance at such a young age? Of course, in the children's library.
 Oct 13, preschool preparatory group of Arsky kindergarten №10 took a tour in the children's library.
The librarian told to young readers, why the need for a library and got acquainted with the rules of conduct and treatment book. The boys saw that each book on the book shelves has its own "house".
As well, children were offered a fabulous quiz, where they were able to show their knowledge.
 At the end of the tour, all the boys promised to be good and careful readers often come to visit "the Realm of literary treasures"