Центральная детская библиотека

"Oh mongoose, bone and noble people" to the 135th anniversary of the B. S. Zhitkov.

12 Oct Tara children's library held a literary - informative hour "On mongoose, bone and noble people" to the 135th anniversary of the B. S. Zhitkov. Students were invited to 3 "A" class ASOSH №1 with teacher Kalapawai R. R.
At the meeting, the guys got acquainted with the biography and work of the writer. Saw the publication of his works in different years. Guys with great interest listened to the stories of the "Pro Daw", "Red commander", "Collapse". And then answered quiz questions. Participated in competitions "knot", "the Restoration of the damaged text." Solved the crossword, compiled by the works by B. Zhitkova.
Children's attention was drawn to the book placed at the exhibition "make Friends with books B. S. Zhitkov". And many wanted to take these books home.
And after the children were watching the cartoon "Pudem", based on the stories by B. Zhitkova of the series "What I saw".