Центральная детская библиотека

"Memorable dates of military history"

The aim of the exhibition: the development of citizenship and patriotism, interest in the history of the Russian state; the development of respect for literary and historical heritage of Russia, of love and devotion for the Fatherland, pride in belonging to a great people. During the event were presented books on the topic.
In the book "the Russo-Turkish war" you can find information about the battle with the Turkish army, in which Russian troops won a strategic victory.
The generals G. K. Zhukov and I. S. The Konev under leadership which the Soviet troops defeated a strong German group in Poland can be found in the book Shishova A.V. "one Hundred great generals".
About the life of besieged Leningrad and the liberation from Nazi troops can be found in the book D. V. Pavlov, "Leningrad in blockade". 900 days of blockade – 900 days of heroism that will be remembered in the history of our country, became a symbol of courage and resilience of the people.
The exhibition is recommended for readers in middle and high school age.