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"We are all different, but we are all together" (for the International Day of Tolerance as part of the Year of National Cultures and Traditions in the Republic of Tatarstan)

Tolerance is patience, respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the diversity of cultures of our world, the manifestation of human qualities. The students enthusiastically supported the conversation about friendship, harmony and respect for other peoples, despite the different religion, appearance, customs and traditions. We participated with pleasure in the training "Let's join hands friends!", where we learned to work on ourselves, to understand, to feel each other in a team. Summing up, the guys realized that it is important not only to live in peace and harmony with the peoples of different countries, but it is necessary to be able to be friends with their peers, regardless of their nationality, customs and traditions. A pleasant end to the holiday was the performance of the song "Mother Russia" by a young starlet, our active reader – Minnullina Jasmine. Thanks! Well done! Friends, we wish everyone kindness and patience, be friendly, live in peace with yourself and with others!