Центральная детская библиотека

"There is no use or joy in envy" (kinourok)

On October 27, the children of the ANOSH extended day group No. 3 were invited to a kindness lesson "There is no use or joy in envy", where a short film "Mandarin" was shown as part of the federal project "Cinema Lessons in Russian schools". In the introductory part, the children talked about human feelings of joy and envy. Using the example of L.N.Tolstoy's instructive fairy tale “The Wolf and the Squirrel” and N. Tulupova's poem “Kindness”, the guys came to the conclusion that a kind and happy person never envies and does no harm to anyone. The film made the children think about their actions, words, learn to rejoice for others and never envy, and also learn to correct the bad qualities of their character. Mercy is the mercy of the soul, and kindness is the highest gift... May joy, kindness and well-being always be with you!