Центральная детская библиотека

"The whole world is created by the teacher"

October 5 – World Teacher's Day
On this festive day, a solemn event "The whole world is created by the Teacher" dedicated to the World Teacher's Day was held in the Arsky District Children's Library.
The guests of the event were teachers who have devoted most of their lives to the school and students. As well as students of grades 7 "B" and 7 "C" of the Arsk secondary school N1. The event was held in a warm and cordial atmosphere. The teachers told how their pedagogical activity began, why they chose this profession, shared their memories from school life and gave their wise advice and instructions to the students.
The meeting was decorated with musical numbers and dramatizations based on the stories of Boris Zakhoder "The Harmful Cat", Viktor Dragunsky "The Main Rivers".

Most importantly, the guys learned how important and valuable the teaching profession is for each of us. After all, it is the teacher who teaches us to write the first word, to read books. The teacher gives the key to new knowledge, an impetus to the development of his students.

Dear teachers, educators! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you very much for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. We sincerely wish you health, well-being, strong strength and a wonderful mood. Let every day discover something new and kind not only for your students, but also for you, let your life be bright, fun and interesting in summer, winter, spring and autumn!