Центральная детская библиотека

"About the native land with love"

   September 15 in the framework of the project "Cultural diary of the student" in libraries and schools of the Republic there is a single lesson of culture. The goal of this activity is to acquaint children with the history and cultural heritage of his native land, to show the sights of the Republic, to foster their Patriotic feelings.
   The lesson of culture "the native land with love", held in the regional children's library, participated 4 students "b" class ASOSH number 1. The children were presented a virtual tour of the Museum-reserve Bolgar, Sviyazhsk island, where they got acquainted with the architectural monuments and learned interesting facts. They liked to play "Garden of good", "Fabulous character - good or evil?", "Prompt word".
    Pupils of 4th grade for the fourth year take part in the competition "Best cultural diary of the student." As a result, children and parents began to frequently visit the library, become interested in history and memorable places of our native land, and significantly improved attitude towards books and reading.
     Dear guys! The man who does not know the history of their country, its national traditions and culture can not be called cultural. We invite all primary students to take part in this competition.