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"Living memory of the past years" within the framework of the project "Singing War Photography"

In order to convey to children the invisible, holy memory, loyalty to the native Fatherland and the value of peaceful life, on this significant day and within the framework of the Singing War Photography project, a memory lesson “Living memory of the Past years” was held for students of the 6th “A” class of ASOS No. 1. There are events in the history of our Motherland that will never be forgotten, will remain in people's memory forever - this is the Great Patriotic War. During the event, students got acquainted with the idea and author of this project, in which military photographs are not just silent, but “speak”, “sing” and “come to life” through poetic words and music. The guys looked at military photos, listening to unique military songs, poems perpetuating the memory of the fallen. Let millions of heroes from old photographs – liberators of our native land rise in our memory like a Phoenix bird! Remember! We are proud! We honor!