Центральная детская библиотека

To the start, Tatarstan! (Republican Book Marathon)

  • Kitapstan is a summer book marathon for children of primary and secondary school age. Each participant of this marathon will receive a guide map, which you can use to advance by playing and reading any book you like. And today's guests became the first discoverers of the Kitapstan marathon and have already received these colorful and unusual guide maps. And I gave them to the guys an important and beloved hero - a little Book! Imagine how great it is, you can "catch two birds with one stone", read interesting books, expand your horizons and get prizes for it! The holiday was a success, the kids had a lot of fun, played, danced, received memorable gifts and a lot of positive charge for the whole summer. We are waiting for all our young readers to join the Kitapstan marathon! Immerse yourself in reading with the library! Read what you like and share your impressions of what you read!