Центральная детская библиотека

"The Green World is our good home" (for the International Earth Day)

We all understand that Mother Earth has always been and continues to be the breadwinner of man, she is generous, but does not forgive mistakes! We talked about this and other exciting issues about the environment at our environmental lesson. And the kids of kindergarten No. 9 showed an instructive spring ecological fairy tale. Further, the guys took an active part in the environmental quiz, where they showed good knowledge, learned new interesting facts about the environment.

Today the guys have made one of the steps in the knowledge of our planet Earth, they have become real young ecologists.

The earth is our common home, and it is very important to preserve its beauty and wealth! And if a person does not know what an amazing planet he lives on, it is unlikely that he will love and cherish it. Friends, love and take care of your planet, we have one!