Центральная детская библиотека

"Wise Lessons of Maxim Gorky's fairy tales" (to the 155th anniversary of the Russian writer M. Gorky)

First of all, the guys learned that Maxim Gorky's real name is Alexey Maximovich Peshkov, and Maxim Gorky is a pseudonym, a fictitious name of the writer, a reflection of his bitter and painful fate. Despite this, Gorky paid special attention to children, composed instructive and life stories and fairy tales for them. The children got acquainted with the fairy tales of the writer “Sparrow”, “The Case of Evseika” with great interest, answered questions, reflected on the actions of the main characters and at the same time, participated in games, dances and watched the dramatization of the fairy tale "Once upon a time there was a samovar". This event is about the life and work of Maxim Gorky, expanded the knowledge of young readers. His fairy tales are wise lessons of life!