Центральная детская библиотека

“What is good, what is bad”

The attention of the audience was presented an electronic presentation to convey the concept about corruption, about the need to combat corruption. The guys themselves showed scenes from fairy tales and find out what corruption is about. 
The guys had playing “Truth and lies”, “ Pick a proverb”. Then the students answered the test questions, explained the meaning of Proverbs. Remember who skazochnyh heroes often deceiving, watched the movie “the Fox Builder” on the works of I. Krylov. The guys were played and discussed situations when the child commits an act contrary to moral intuitions. Students listened to excerpts from works by V. Oseeva – “Torn sheet”, “What's easier?”, which has a lot of instructive stories about the children and about the children. 
Material events was closely associated with life. Children gave examples of their actions and their results, admitted that there were situations where told a lie and let down others. And then together drew up rules of fair conduct.
At the end of the meeting, as a generalization, the children listened intently to the tale - a parable about truth and lies and came to the conclusion that honesty is an important human quality.
During the event revealed the ability of students to analyze, make sense of concepts such as “honesty”, “integrity” and that only such person is worthy of respect.