Центральная детская библиотека

"This is a terrible word "blockade"" (for the Day of Military Glory of Russia and participation in the IV All-Russian network action "READING about the BLOCKADE", organized by the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Library)

January 27 – the siege of Leningrad, this is one of the most bitter pages in the history of our country, which lasted a terrible 872 days and nights. But this test did not break the Leningraders! Every day, despite hunger, cold and incessant shelling, both children and adults found the courage to stand up and defeat the fascists! It is especially important for us to know and remember this! By this historical date, in the Arsky district children's Library, a memory lesson "This terrible word "blockade"" was held for students of the 5th grade of ASOS No.2. Thus, we joined the IV All-Russian network campaign "READING ABOUT THE BLOCKADE", organized by the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Library. The children learned about the hardships that befell the residents of the besieged closed city of Leningrad: about children and women who worked on a par with men in factories, about the defense and defense of Leningrad by Soviet soldiers and honored the memory of the dead Leningraders with a minute of silence.