Центральная детская библиотека

"Tsvetik - megarotic" (a game devoted to creativity of A. S. Pushkin)

  June 6 at our library held an event dedicated to the celebration of Pushkin's day in Russia. The birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin dedicated no less to the great holiday – the Day of Russian language.
Pushkin is the founder of modern Russian literary language. He was the first of Russian poets to speak of ordinary people's language. The language in his poems and fairy tales. Literary quest “Tsvetik - megarotic” were students at the camp ASOSH number 1. The students remembered all the tales of A. S. Pushkin, learned interesting facts about baby life and work of the poet.
  Younger students strive to understand the world in the game, so this game gives you the opportunity to absorb the material more emotion, broadens the mind and stimulates cognitive interests and thus is a means of introducing them to reading. Let's hope that the positive emotions experienced in the course of this event, caused in students the desire to read books by Pushkin and often visit the library