Центральная детская библиотека

"How the hare wanted to become a star" (new year's performanc)

And what, a New Year without adventures? The little guests were waiting for the exciting adventures of the main symbol of the coming year - the Hare, who dreamed of becoming a pop star. And the cunning Hedgehog Grandmother and her friend Lesh decided to play the Hare and become its producers. You have no idea what came of it… It's good that the naive Bunny realized that everyone is important in their place and his place is next to the kids, to help Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! Various contests, dances, songs, games have added fun and joy to the children. Each child received a lot of positive emotions and a good mood. The highlight of the holiday for the children was a carnival dance of New Year's costumes around the Christmas tree and, of course, a lot of magic prizes and sweet gifts from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Dear friends, we wish you all a Happy New Year! See you again, in the New Year!