Центральная детская библиотека

"Your game is your opportunity!" (grand opening of the game zone within the framework of the project "Kindness without Borders")

October 28 - the grand opening of the play area for active recreation and creative activities for children and adolescents with disabilities took place. This day has gone down in the history of our cozy and hospitable Arsky district Children's Library. The opening ceremony was attended by distinguished guests and the day-stay group of the Center of Mercy. The team of "Biblio volunteers" introduced our guests to the rules of board and sports games "Shuffleboard", "Novus" and "Jaccolo-Zhulbak", which are popular in Europe and thanks to them, international competitions and championships are held for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and entertainment for children and adults. And also, fans of board games can play chess and checkers, and in creative classes children will be able to learn how to burn wood. In addition, pupils are expected to attend various master classes - work with applications, origami, modeling from plasticine and many other exciting activities.