Центральная детская библиотека

"Work becomes a person's joy" (120 years since the birth of the children's writer - Evgeny Andreevich Permyak)

The ability to see the world through the eyes of children, communicate with them as equals, and so that the guys love and understand you is an invaluable gift. This gift was possessed by the Ural storyteller, wise writer Evgeny Permyak. Young readers got acquainted with the life and work of the writer. We learned that the heroes of the books are ordinary people-workers, masters of their craft, people who decorate the earth with their work ... The guys listened to an instructive story about the work "Pichugin Bridge", answered questions, staged the author's stories, solved puzzles and learned new proverbs about work. And at the end of the event, the children watched a cartoon based on the Permian fairy tale "The Golden Nail". "Only work makes a small person big and only work brings happiness, honor and joy," Yevgeny Andreevich Permyak liked to say. Work hard, do good without regret!