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"What do you need to know about network etiquette?" (ethics lesson)

October 20 - as part of the Year of Digitalization in the Republic of Tatarstan, students of the 5th "A" class of ASOS No. 1 took part in an information hour and discussed the topical topic "What do you need to know about network etiquette?" Most of us are active Internet users and we can no longer imagine our life without communication in social networks, messengers, forums and chats. But we must remember, both in real life and in social networks, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of etiquette! At the event, the guys discussed the basic rules of network etiquette, talked about what absolutely cannot be done on the Internet, and what on the contrary is welcome. Educational games "Setiket. The rules of behavior on the Internet", "Getting out of the situation" and watching videos consolidated the knowledge of students. Friends, be literate and polite when communicating online and in real life! Behave culturally and ethically!