Центральная детская библиотека

«Volshebnaya sila slov i postupkov»


  This year 28 April marks 115 years since the birth of wonderful children's writer, kind and honest, brave and chivalrous noble poetess, teacher - Valentina Alexandrovna Oseeva. In connection with this date was held a lesson of kindness "Magic power of words and deeds" students 2 "And" 3 "And" class Arsky gymnasium №5.
  During the event, the guys remembered the "magic" words and rules of behavior in society, discussed the situation, the stories of the writer with whom you can face in life, talked about the works of the writer such as: Magic word, "Cookie", "Kitty", "Blue leaves", "Good", and others.
  Hopefully, thanks to "lessons of morality" our young readers will long remain in palate sweet and touching stories V. A. Oseeva, which teach the skill of giving to others, and to cultivate a sense of responsibility for their actions, polite and respectful people.