Центральная детская библиотека

“Ask! Read!”

The purpose of the event:
-presentation of periodicals for children;
-to arouse interest in reading periodical literature;
-to convey to students the importance of information in society, man.
The event was timed to the world day of information. Exploring the periodicals were invited students of 7 “A” class from school №1. 
Information has always played and plays in human life a huge role. Therefore, we decided to dedicate a special lesson to familiarize the children with magazines and Newspapers as a form of publication.
Has organized the exhibition “Ask! Read!” from magazines and Newspapers, corresponding to the age peculiarities of pupils. The event began with a discussion of the main question: "What is the magazine, what is a newspaper?" The word is multivalued, so children come to the aid of a dictionary, is dictionary work together with the students. During the event, children could not only get acquainted with periodicals, but also to learn from the pages of these publications interesting tips, facts about their country, Republic, city.
Also, the students learned about what magazines can fit pieces of different genres and different headings.
At the conclusion of the event, students were able to find answers to their questions by Newspapers and watched a fascinating movie about the books.