Центральная детская библиотека

"There are miracles in every book" (Bibliotechestvie)

May 25 – first-graders of the Arsk gymnasium No. 5 made a real bibliographic journey. The first acquaintance with the library always begins for our readers with a guided tour. So today the guys got acquainted with an amazing and cozy book house – library, where a special, friendly and trusting atmosphere reigns.
Children visiting the library for the first time are surprised by everything in it. And what a surprise it was when the children saw fairy-tale heroes - Vasilisa the Wise and harmful Shapoklyak. Children's enthusiasm, knowledge of fairy tales, dexterity and, of course, kind smiles helped the children to cope with all the tasks and learn a lot of new and interesting things.
We hope that the interest in the library and the desire to be friends with the book will remain with the guys for many years to come! We will be waiting for you all for the summer holidays for interesting and fascinating books!