Центральная детская библиотека

"Let's decorate childhood with a rainbow of love" (for the International Family Day)

  • On this day, librarians consulted young mothers on introducing them to reading fiction aged from 0 to 3 years. At the beginning of the event, the fairy-tale heroes Knigovichok and Dunno greeted the kids, played and danced together, and after the librarians revealed the secrets of how to raise a real book lover. Parents listened with interest to tips and recommendations on how to attract a child to reading from an early age, and also got acquainted with fascinating books and didactic materials. And in the end, the mothers received a recommendation list for family reading. Dear parents, you can instill a love for books only by personal example and remember that the minutes spent reading with the family will remain with the child for life! Reading together is the best family tradition!