Центральная детская библиотека

"Digital trolls and haters" (informational and educational hour for the Year of Digitalization of the Republic of Tatarstan)

The other day in the Arsky district Children's Library, as part of the Year of Digitalization in the Republic of Tatarstan, an information and educational hour "Digital Trolls and Haters" was held, which was organized jointly with the Arsky Children's TV and Radio studio "Nur". Young journalists talked about the Internet, its harm and benefits, and also took part in a quiz where they were able to show their knowledge of the Internet and its use. This meeting became much more intense thanks to blogger and SMM manager Ilsina Ramilevna Mingazova, who not only enlivened the conversation, but also gave valuable tips and recommendations on how to conduct Instagram, intelligibly and clearly answered all the students' questions. In addition, the guys learned about how in real life a global network can bring not only benefits, but also danger. Friends, remember the simple truth that in the era of computer technology development, you do not need to sit for hours in the virtual world, have time to live in real life, not forgetting about your family, relatives and friends!