Центральная детская библиотека

"Visiting fairy tales"

Getting to Arsk the Central library gathered the students 1 “B”class.

Traditionally, at each first meeting with the first graders, introduce the rules and regulations of the library, and students participate in the cognitive quiz "Journey to fairy tales". This meeting, not just familiarity, but a holiday all the children, festival of children's books writers and favorite characters. After this visit, the books becomes even more true friends and the library even more curious readers. During the event, the librarian has acquainted the children with the "book Depository": explained rules of conduct in the library and caring for books. Further, students are able to participate in the quiz "Journey to fairy tales", showed their knowledge and learned many new and interesting things. It remains to wish all the children: "Children, we'll all wait for you in our library! Let the book for you will become a true and faithful friend!"