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"This simple, but amazing water" (World Water Day)

 17 Mar Tara children's library hosted the event “This simple but amazing water” for world water day. Students were invited to 7 “In”class ASOSH №1 with teacher Shalaevoj R. K. and specialist of the Northern territorial Department of Ministerstva of ecology and natural resources RT Lett F. K.
The attention of the audience was presented to the electronic presentation of “Her Majesty water” to show the importance of water, educate careful attitude to water, nature.
In the beginning, the children learnt about the history of this holiday, in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation the year of the environment. Learned a lot of interesting facts about water, about the environmental situation of water resources in the world.
 Lett F. K. told the children what the ecological state of the river is Kazanka, about environmental actions and competitions, which can take students. The guys understand what wealth we possess in comparison with other countries of the world and that we must learn to protect and cherish what we have.
Was held, brain game, “Water, water, water everywhere...” the Children were interested and the tasks handled quickly and properly.During the lesson reveals student's ability to analyze, interpret concepts such that only love and respect for all living things will help us maintain and increase our present. All were unanimous in the view that I want to drink clean water, breathe fresh air, eat organic food. And our home town of Arsk remained prosperous place to live.
 I hope that such events will help to remind you of the extreme importance of water for environment and development.