Центральная детская библиотека

"The wisdom of books will be able to unite the family" (consultation for parents on introducing children to fiction, aged from 0 to 3 years)

On September 24, the staff of the Arsky district Children's Library visited the kindergarten No. 4 "Balakach". The purpose of the visit: consultation of parents on introducing their children to fiction aged from 0 to 3 years.
At the beginning of the event, the fairy-tale heroes Knigovichok and Dunno greeted the kids, played and danced together, and after the librarians revealed to young moms the secrets of how to raise a book lover.
Parents listened with interest to tips and recommendations on how to attract a child to reading from an early age. And in the end, the mothers received a recommendation list for family reading.
You can instill a love for books only by personal example. Read and develop, dear parents! We are waiting for you in our cozy children's library for kind and instructive books!