Центральная детская библиотека

"Be literate – be successful!"

On September 8, the International Literacy Day is traditionally celebrated all over the world.
This holiday, which came to us for the first time in 1966 on the initiative of UNESCO, is designed to draw the attention of mankind to the state of literacy in the modern world.
Today, the district children's library hosted the event " Be literate – be successful!", which was attended by students of the 5th" A " class of ASOSH No. 2. The children learned about the history of the holiday, listened to interesting facts, watched a useful video. They tested their literacy with interest by participating in various competitions and quizzes, where they showed their knowledge in the field of the Russian language, literature and the surrounding world.
You should never forget about your own literacy, it is always necessary to improve it. Learn the rules, read books, train memory, develop attention and learn to focus. Literacy is a kind of" face " of a person. Literate people are always valued in society. And being literate is always fashionable and prestigious.