Центральная детская библиотека

"Russian language how beautiful you are!"

   Every year on June 6, the Russian Language Day is celebrated in our country –Pushkin Day. This holiday was established in 2011 in order to preserve and develop the Russian language. In the framework of the interregional stock "we Read Pushkin together", dedicated to Pushkin day of Russia and the Russian language, for students of the camp group ASOSH No. 1, was a literary hour "Russian language how beautiful you are!" We know that Pushkin is the founder of the modern Russian literary language, the language in his poems and fairy tales. Children briefly got acquainted with the life and work of the poet, remembered his fairy tales, and a fun game “Tsvetik - Polychrome” consolidated their knowledge.

   The bright finale of the event was the reading aloud of an excerpt and the screening of the cartoon "The Tale of the Priest and his Employee Balda".