Центральная детская библиотека

"Woof - show"

 2017 has been declared in Russia the Year of environmental protection. And our event, directly connected with the field, which reveals the task: to take care of animals, protect the environment, and most importantly, we must be responsible for those who tamed. To talk about these glorious creatures we invited pupils 3 “And” class ASOSH number 1.
 At the event, the children learned not only information about the dogs
interesting facts about their loyalty (as dogs helped people during the war and peacetime emergencies), but animatedly conversed with the Amateur breeder the N. Paranina.In. You need to consider that to defuse the situation helped her with her cute dog named “Button” Chihuahua breed. Through this conversation, the students were able to find answers to their questions, to learn more about the peculiar world of dogs, their behavior and “language”.
 Next, the event continued with an interactive game and conversation about literary heroes – the dogs. The children actively answered questions literary quiz: guess the art work, characters who were dogs, watched fascinating movies and is happy to talk about their Pets. 
In conclusion, the presenter wished the students good relations to nature and to our younger brothers, acquainted with the literature about dogs from the book exhibition “the Faithful dog friend there.” 
Let's hope that from this event the boys have only positive impressions and remembered a lot of the information received.