Центральная детская библиотека

"The firefighter is a hero, he goes into battle with fire»

Every year, on April 30, one of the most vital rapid response services — the fire department-celebrates its professional holiday in Russia. In honor of this day, an hour of safety was held for students of the 2nd "B" class of ANOSH No. 3: "A firefighter is a hero, he enters the battle with fire".
Representatives of one of the most courageous professions who selflessly engage in battle with the fire element every day came to the meeting with the children: the head of the guard of the 107 fire and rescue unit of Arsk-Rustem Raushanovich Salikhov and the inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Arsk and Atninsky district-Ilgizar Irekovich Ismagilov. They had a very informative conversation with the children, told them how to prevent a fire, how to behave if there was a fire, how to report it to a special service and showed videos. And also, to consolidate the acquired knowledge, various games and tasks were held for the students.
The profession of a firefighter requires dedication, dexterity, self-control, quick reaction and strength. We sincerely congratulate the representatives of this profession! We wish you good health, prosperity and success in your work!