Центральная детская библиотека

"Pages of besieged Leningrad" panorama of memory

     On January 27, the district children's library hosted a panorama of the memory of "Pages of Besieged Leningrad". The event, designed to introduce the younger generation to the events of the siege of Leningrad, to foster respect for bread, love for the Motherland and patriotic feelings, was attended by students of the 5th grade of ASOSH No. 6.
      The students got acquainted with the diary of Tanya Savicheva, which is currently stored in the historical museum in St. Petersburg. Everyone was shocked by the fate of the girl, who was left alone in a cold house after the death of all her relatives. The children also listened to the memories of an eight-year-old girl-Zhanna from the "Blockade Book" by A. Adamovich and D. Granin. Then the readers were introduced to the feature film of the Uzbek Soviet director Damir Salimov, shot in 1980, " Leningraders, my children..." We hope that this event will leave a deep impression in the hearts of children and make them think about what a wonderful life we live today.