Центральная детская библиотека

“The three characters on the backdrop of history”

   Tara children's library hosted the event “Three characters on the backdrop of history” the day of the Constitution. Students were invited to 5 “B” class ANOS No. 3, lecturer, D. M. Heptabromo
     Attention was presented an electronic presentation, “the Constitution of the Russian Federation – 23 years in the service of the order” for the purpose of acquaintance with the Constitution, the state structure of the country; about the state symbols of Russia; the formation of ideas of the importance of law enforcement.
In the beginning of the event leading acquainted children with the history of the Constitution, the symbols of the state. The guys performed various tasks: “Question – Answer” according to the Constitution, the game “YES! NO!”. There were questions with situations in labor, civil law. With interest guessed about the violation of the rights of fairy-tale characters; the game feelwords.
  During the event, reveals the student's ability to analyze, to comprehend the notions: “law”, “rights and responsibilities”. Discussing the event, the guys came to the conclusion that you need to comply with existing rules and regulations, and it is impossible to live in society, the family, and to be free from duties.