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"Cultural team of Tatarstan» (the award ceremony)

 Primary school students of the Arsky district and the city of Arsk, together with their parents, teachers and classmates, visited various cultural institutions throughout the school year. They recorded their visits In the "cultural Diary of a Schoolboy".
 The most active participants of the project "the Best Cultural Diary of the Student" and "best parent" congratulated the head of the "Department of culture" - Ayupov I. and the Director of Narva Central library – Vafin es
 So, here are the winners:
1st place:
1. Idiatullina Malik - student MBOU "SOSH Starowilenskiy";
2. Farhullina Safina – student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 2»;
3. Kalimullina Asylyar – student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 1 named after V. F. Yezhkov»;
4. Gainutdinova Azaliya student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 6"
"The most cultured parent" - hidiyatullina Zulfiya Marsilovna.

2nd place:
1. Abdulbari Diamond – student MBOU "ASOSH number 2»;
2. Shakirov Aizat – student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 2»;
3. sungatullin Danif - a student of MBOU "Arskaya gymnasium No. 5".

3rd place:
1. Ilyas Sabirov – student of MBOU "Arskaya Gymnasium No. 5»;
2. Zaynullin, Adelina student of MOU ASOSH number 1;
3. Galieva Zamira - a student of MBOU "ANOSH No. 3-kindergarten".
Congratulations and we wish you not to stop there! Well done!

and the other students who ALSO took part are awarded with letters of Thanks. We wish them a little more effort and hope that they will become the best among the best!
Zakirova Ilusa student MBOU "SOSH Nizhneimeretinskaya" branch "Medussa NOSH»;
Artem Savchenko – student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 2»;
Gilmutdinova Nargiza - student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 6»;
Zakirova Zuhra – student MBOU "SOSH Novocherkasskaya»;
Magsumova Amina –student of MBOU "Novokinerskaya SOSH»;
Karim sagitzyanov - student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 1 named after V. F. Yezhkov»;
Galiev Ramazan - student of MBOU "ANOSH No. 3-kindergarten»;
Lutfullina Dina - student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 2»;
Danil gabdulbarov - student of MBOU "ASOSH No. 6»;
Abrarova Ralina - a student MBOU "SOSH Leshansky»;
Khusnutdinova Aysylu student MBOU "Angasolskaya NOSH»;
Kasimov Islam - student of MBOU "ANOSH No. 3-kindergarten»;
Zamira Sattarova student MBOU "SOSH Leshansky»;
Sattarova Syumbel -student of MBOU "Leskhoz SOSH»;
Zinnatullina Zukhra - scholar of MBOU "Arskaya Gymnasium No. 5»;
Fayzrakhmanova Zuleikha - a student of MBOU "Novokyrlayskaya SOSH".

 Friends! Strive to learn new things, study the history of your native land, be interested in art, read good and informative books. Good luck to you!