Центральная детская библиотека

"What our peers read during the great Patriotic war»

Did children read books during the war? Were books published during this difficult time?
Surprisingly, during the great Patriotic war, the country produced not only tanks, planes, weapons and ammunition, but also children's books. Despite the war, the children continued to study and go to school. However, the school day was very short, after school everyone was in a hurry to work. There were enough textbooks at that time, but there were almost no notebooks, and the children wrote on the margins of Newspapers, old receipts, any scraps of paper, using diluted soot instead of ink.
Can you imagine what a treasure a real children's book was for them? This was very well understood by writers and poets who wrote for children during the war. One of these authors, who as a child survived all the hardships of the war, was albert Likhanov. Students of the 4th "A" class of ASOSH No. 1 got acquainted with his work and biography today.
In the works of albert Likhanov there are no military scenes, no battles and battles, no defeats and victories. There is a rear. The rear, seen through the eyes of a child. The cold winters of war, the hungry years, the grief of orphans, real boyish friendship, the expectation of victory – all this has always remained in the writer's memory and is reflected in his works.