Центральная детская библиотека

"Children of war: stories of small heroes"

75 years ago, our Soviet people won a Great Victory over Nazi Germany. Almost every Russian family is involved in this great Victory. It is our duty to preserve this collective feat of the Soviet people forever in memory. It is in our power to make sure that the memory of the heroes, their image remains forever in our hearts and minds, and not just on granite slabs with their names. And in this regard, we created a video about the children of war – about our little heroes, who showed how huge a small child's heart can become when the sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies ignites in it.

Before the war, they were just ordinary boys and girls. We studied, helped our elders, played, ran, jumped, broke our noses and knees. Only family, classmates, and friends knew their names.

Urchins. Gals. On their fragile shoulders lay the weight of adversity, calamity, and the misery of the war years. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more resilient.
Little heroes of the great war. They fought alongside their elders-their fathers, their brothers.
And not for a moment did their young hearts waver!

"A notebook was left open on the Desk.
They didn't get to finish writing or reading,
When they attacked the city
High-explosive bombs and famine".