Центральная детская библиотека

The results of the contest of children's creativity “the Museum of the literary hero”

This year, the District children's library was a competition of children's creativity “the Museum of literary heroes”. The results in the category of “tales of G. Tukay is the source of inspiration” was done in the month of April.
Crafts submitted for the contest in the nomination "My favorite literary hero" was made by Russian folk tales "By magic", "Turnip", "the Three bears", "the frog Princess", "Kurochka Ryaba" fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin "the Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", by Hans Christian Andersen "Thumbelina" by S. Aksakov "the Scarlet flower", Charles Perrault "Cinderella", V. Suteev "Under a mushroom", according to I. A. Krylov's fable "Monkey and glasses," etc.
They are made from a variety of materials (salt dough, paper, yarn, plasticine, beads, plastic, natural materials) and in different ways ( Knitting, biseropletenie etc.)
The exhibition was visited by the children with disabilities rehabilitation center “Source of hope”, a group of preschoolers in kindergarten No. 10, parents and our readers –the children. They all admired the amazing craft –heroes of fairy tales.

Among students in grades 3-4
1 place
Garifullin Ruslan Gasiorowicz - student 4 “a” class MBOU “ASOSH №1 im. V. F. yezhkova with UIOP”
2nd place
Zakiev Midhat Ildarovich - student 4 “a” class MBOU “ASOSH №1 im. V. F. yezhkova with UIOP”
3rd place
Sergeeva Evelyn M. – the schoolgirl of 3 "b" class branch MBOU "Arsk gymnasium №5" -Bolshemurtinsky NOSH" "Thumbelina"


Among students in grades 5-6
1 place
Khairullina Alina Railevna - 6th grade student MBOU "SOSH Starowilenskiy"
2nd place
Khairullin Ainur Ralevic - grade 5 student MBOU"SOSH Starowilenskiy"
Hisamiev Nazgul Ildarovna-6th grade student MBOU "SOSH Starowilenskiy"
3rd place
Kamalova Aliya Isurava –6th grade student MBOU "Cizinsky OOSH"
Idiatullina Azalea Vasilevna – grade 5 student MBOU "SOSH Starowilenskiy"
The works of the winners of first place were directed to the Republican children's library, to participate in the national ataba competition “Museum of literary heroes”. All the guys who took the prize places are awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts Arsky centralized library system.
Consolation prize gets Shakirzyanova Azalea Zufarovna - student 6 "B" class OOS No. 3
Letters of thanks will receive:
1. Zamalieva Ralina R. - the schoolgirl 4 classes
Rukovoditel: Fazulzyanov Gulfiya Nailovna
2. Ishmuratova Ilusa Figureson –grade 5 student MBOU "SOSH Starowilenskiy"
3. Nasyrov Adil munirovna –6th grade student MBOU "Kachalinskaya OOSH" Head Kopylov G. G.
4. Zaripova Ilusa Nazirovna - 6th grade student MBOU "Cizinsky OOSH"
5. Ismagilov Azat Fanisovich -student 2-class MBOU "Cizinsky OOSH"
6. Muginova Dilyara Vasilevna-6th grade student MBOU "Cizinsky OOSH"
7. Gulshat Yunusova Farshatova-grade 5 student MBOU "SOSH Novokinerskoe"
Thank you All for participating! Wish you success!