Центральная детская библиотека

"This is the October – grasnik in the yard"

 Fall is a mysterious time of year, it changes, like a fairy tale. Warm and tender, cold and hard.
In honor of the onset of autumn and the traditions of this time of year, at the autumn gatherings were invited 4 students "B" class ASOSH number 1. Sounded in this day, of course, melodies of autumn themes. But the greatest interest of all participants of the competition program, as the event was held in a relaxed atmosphere, in the form of folklore gatherings. Children actively participated in various competitions, danced in an amicable round dance under the catchy song "Autumn". During the event the participants got acquainted with book exhibition "the Eyes!"
 Ended fall get-together friendly tea, the children tried different types of delicious, fragrant tea from the meadow and medicinal herbs, prikusku lots of sweets and Goodies.
And the best evaluation of our work were the words themselves the children: "thank you All! We all really enjoyed it, because such a fascinating time we participated for the first time!"