Центральная детская библиотека

"There is a story about Romeo and Juliet... "(V. Shakespeare's book "Romeo and Juliet" - 425let)

 "There is no story more beautiful in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet…»
This year, the world of literature celebrates the anniversary date-425 years of the play-tragedy of the English playwright William Shakespeare, which became not only immortal, but also gave birth to many other types of art, such as painting, music, ballet, Opera, and cinematography.
 On this occasion, in our Virtual concert hall, students of the 7 "A" class of ASOS No. 1 were introduced to the works of William Shakespeare and the book-hero of the day "Romeo and Juliet".
 Students also listened to the waltz of Juliet from the Opera Charles Gounod, performed by Ekaterina Lekhina and watched an excerpt from the ballet of S. Prokofiev, which was held in the State Kremlin Palace of the Kremlin ballet theater.
 To feel the spirit of the work, you should definitely read it, which we recommend to all of you!