Центральная детская библиотека

Native language experts

   Every year, on February 21, we celebrate the international mother language day. In connection with this wonderful holiday, students of 3 “B” class ANOSH No. 3 were invited to the children's library. International mother language day is primarily aimed at protecting languages that are disappearing. And this is an important and urgent task, because today, every month, two languages disappear in the world.
    At the beginning of the event, the librarian introduced the participants to the history of the holiday. Then the participants were divided into two teams that were able to test their knowledge of their native language in different categories. Children with great pleasure collected puzzles based on the tales of the great poet Gabdulla Tukai, guessed riddles, answered questions. All participants were presented with memorable gifts and sweets. And completed the holiday with the performance of the song "Tugan tel", which became the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan.