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"Reading Chekhov today...”

January 29, 2020 marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. To get acquainted with his work and biography, we invited students of the 6" B " class of ASOS No. 6. The children visited the" workshop " of the artist of the word - Anton Chekhov. They also remembered his biography, studied and analyzed his stories together with the librarian, watched videos on them, and passed the test. He was able to fit deep content into a small form. His stories are a scattering of humor, intelligence, and kindness.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born in 1860 in Taganrog. The family had many children. The father of the future writer was once a clerk and owned a small shop. He kept his children in great strictness, not allowing pranks and liberties. Chekhov's mother spent almost all her time on her family. She was very fond of children, and in her spare time she attended the theater, which was her passion. It was the mother who managed to influence Anton, instilling in him respect for others, compassion for the weak and love for the world around him.
When Chekhov was already a young man, his father went bankrupt, sold the shop, and then the family moved to Moscow in search of a better life. Here the future writer entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. Already at this time, his first serious works were born, and soon the writing profession became the main source of income for Chekhov. Even after taking up the post of County doctor, he did not stop his literary activities.