Центральная детская библиотека

Recitation contest in the Park named after G. Tukay

    On a beautiful Sunny morning -4 Oct preschoolers gathered in the Park named after G. Tukai. Here methodical Association of teachers of the Tatar language together with the children's library organized a reading competition among children of preschool age.
    The contest is held not for the first time. Library and preschool okreslenia work closely and organize colorful children events dedicated to holidays and anniversaries of the Tatar writers.
    The purpose of the recitation contest “We are the grandchildren of Tukai” to educate children from a young age a love of reading, interest in the work of the great poet, the respect for the mother tongue.
    The celebration began with a fabulous view. The children enjoyed watching, opladiroval their caregivers who were playing in suits su anasy, Shurale, Goat and Sheep, Katy, Moth. The kindergarten 3-7 years prepared their favorite poems. All participants received certificates of Arsky centralized library system.
Works learned in childhood with educators and parents remembered for a long time. And children who are often involved in