Центральная детская библиотека

"900 days of courage "(an hour of remembrance of the siege of Leningrad based on Tsinberg's book " the Seventh Symphony»)

 The children learned about the hardships that befell the residents of the besieged closed city of Leningrad: about hunger and cold, about children and women who worked on a par with men in factories, about the protection and defense of Leningrad by Soviet soldiers, and paid tribute to the memory of the dead Leningraders with a minute of silence.
 The children felt special feelings for the fate of the little girl Katia based on the book "the Seventh Symphony"by Tamara Sergeevna tsinberg. The students were introduced to the "Reading cinema" feature film "Winter morning", set in 1966 based on this book.
 It is important for every person to preserve the memory of those terrible days and pass it on from generation to generation, so that everyone appreciates peace time and loves their Homeland.