Центральная детская библиотека

"Constellation of the best readers» (Solemn awarding of the best readers - 2019)

 December 19 - the staff of the Ar Central library honored their most active and best readers at the solemn event - "Constellation of the best readers".
 Who are the best readers? They may be different in age, occupation, Hobbies and interests, but they all share a love of books and the library. And they not only read a lot of books, but also take an active part in the public life of our library.
 As expected, the final event of awarding the best readers takes place at the end of the year, before the most fun and long – awaited holiday-New year . Well, how, without congratulations and gifts from Santa Claus and snow Maiden?!
 And from our Christmas Trees, for the winners of the creative contest "Gift for Christmas Trees", there were also prizes and certificates.
The holiday passed in one breath, intertwined with sincere and warm congratulations, memorable gifts, songs and good mood.
 We are very happy that we have such talented, time-tested friends. We thank everyone who for a long time remain loyal readers and loyal friends of our library! The doors of our library are open and we are always glad to meet you!