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In the wondrous world of fairy tales

The world of music ... a Man enters it when he is just born, with his mother's first lullaby. So the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky sound to this day, despite the fact that he has long been gone with us. Tchaikovsky is loved not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, they sing romances, stage operas and ballets in theaters, perform on the piano, violin, cello, flute, and orchestra. His works capture and excite all people-adults, youth, children. This weekend, to get acquainted with the works of the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, we invited students of 3 "B" class ASOSH No. 1 to the Virtual concert hall. All his work Peter Ilyich devoted to man, his love for the Motherland and Russian nature, his desire for a clean and courageous struggle against the dark forces of evil. In a word, The music of p. I. Tchaikovsky is the whole life of a person.