Центральная детская библиотека

"Journal - the way to the book”.

   In the modern world there is a serious problem: interest in the book is lost. Television, computer, Internet and other technical means in the first place, but they can not replace books and magazines. In this regard, on December 4, children Of the rehabilitation center were invited to the information and educational hour “Journal - the way to the book”. 

   The librarian introduced children to children's magazines that come to the library and elaborated on the acquaintance of the magazine "Sabantuy", as this year, this magazine celebrates the anniversary date – 95 years. The guys got acquainted with the headings of this magazine in a playful way, watched the cartoon "the Last rainbow".

      Well and how, without the Postman Pechkin who presented to children not only magazines and sweet gifts, but also positive mood.