Центральная детская библиотека

"ABC of legal space»

On November 15, the virtual concert hall hosted the event "ABC of legal space" dedicated to the world children's rights day, which is celebrated annually on November 20. This date is not chosen by chance. It was on that date that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the rights of the child in 1959. And in 1989, also on 20 November, the Convention on the rights of the child was adopted, which obliges all countries to ensure a good life for children. This event was attended by students of 7 "A" and 7 "B" class ASOSH No. 2. Guests were also invited: Zavyalova Lilia Nikolaevna-Executive Secretary Of the Commission on juvenile Affairs and protection of their rights and Yarullina Alina Albertovna-Chief specialist of the Commission on juvenile Affairs of the Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Lilia Nikolaevna conducted an accessible and very useful preventive conversation about offenses for teenagers.

Students learned about the documents protecting the rights of the child, about their rights and obligations, in a playful way consolidated their knowledge. Modern society makes high demands. And today it needs an active person who knows his rights and knows how to respect the rights of others, accepting and fulfilling duties. To know the law, to be able to navigate it is necessary for everyone. It's no secret that there are cases when children's rights are violated. The event was held in one place and we are sure that the children received useful advice for themselves in unforeseen circumstances. Such conversations in adolescence are especially necessary.