Центральная детская библиотека

"Such different animals”

Everything, everything, everything, the world need,

And Midges not less need, than Elephants.

You can not do without monsters ridiculous

And even without predators-evil and ferocious.

Need all on light of! Need all consecutive –

Who makes the honey, and who makes the poison.

Boris Zahoder

Animals are a part of our world. With them we learn to communicate, to cultivate the best human qualities: mutual understanding, kindness, mutual help, charity. But, unfortunately, today they are in danger and many of them need human protection. To protect our little brothers and were introduced such a feast as the world day of protection of animals. On October 24, the reading cinema hall hosted the event "Such different animals" dedicated to the world animal protection day. To get acquainted with the history of the holiday and learn a lot about animals, the pupils of the Arsky kindergarten No. 10 of the preparatory group No. 1 came. For preschoolers, a conversation-game "in the world of animals" was held, and the children got acquainted with the red book, learned about rare and endangered species of animals listed in this book. Children with pleasure remembered fairy tales where the hero are animals, on the heard voice defined animals, learned to solve puzzles, etc. The event was interesting and informative.