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"The health of the planet is in our hands» (The day of environmental protection. All-Russian day of the ecologist)

 All will agree with the opinion that it is necessary to begin to educate ecological consciousness of the person since the childhood. And supporting this initiative, from February 1, 2019 in the Arsk centralized library system was introduced a very useful environmental action "hand Over the battery – save the hedgehog's life." The action was held for 4 months, in order to educate and develop the residents of the city the right attitude to nature, as well as to collect as many batteries, batteries for recycling or recycling. About 1000 participants took part in this action, among them readers of the Arsky Central library, pupils of kindergartens of the city, readers of rural libraries and more than 50,000 batteries were collected. We sincerely thank all participants, because each of you has contributed to the protection of the environment!
It was on this remarkable Day of the ecologist that the Arsk centralized library system summed up the results and in a solemn ceremony awarded the winners who collected the largest number of batteries. And for the award ceremony, were invited dear guests: specialist 1 category of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Tatarstan - Latvian Firdaus kamilovna; employee of the State nature reserve "Ashit" at the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on biological resources - Abdrakhmanova Gulnara ilyasovna; head of the MU "Department of culture" of the Executive Committee of the Arsky municipal district mukhutdinov Ramil Rafisovich and Director of the Arsky centralized library system - Mukhametshina Alina Tagirovna. They congratulated the winners: presented gifts, awarded the participants with diplomas and letters of thanks.
 We believe that this work should be continued as a good and good tradition! Friends, not throw away, please batteries, and bring to us! Make the world a cleaner place! Start with themselves!