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"Our Earth is in our hands"

Guests of the event were the specialist Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural RT Latvian Firdaus Kamilevna resources and students 2 "B" course Arsky College of Education. Tukai.
At the beginning of the event, students learned why this day is celebrated as an important event for the whole world. Leading detail told them about the three ways of waste disposal, which cause harm to the land, water and atmosphere of household, industrial, medical and many other waste. They also learned about the timing of litter decomposition.
Firdaus Kamilevna introduce students to the ecological situation in the Republic of Tatarstan, and in particular in the Arsk region. She told them about the current environmental movements, organizations, and invited to take active part in them.
During the event, have been affected by the problem of disposing of batteries, fluorescent lamps and energy saving lamps in our city. Firdaus Kamilevna took into account the ideas proposed for consideration at the appropriate level.
At the end of the event, students answered the questions of competition. This helped them to modern smartphones, their own knowledge and the information that they have learned at the event.
Environmental dialogue with young people has been successful, it was obvious that the guys very seriously relate to this topic, and they are not indifferent to the fate of our planet.