Центральная библиотека

"Water - a wonderful gift of nature!"

Oral magazine organized to increase knowledge about the importance of water in human life, education of careful attitude to water. The meeting began with an introduction of water resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Guys convinced that our country is rich in rivers, lakes and ponds.
On the pages of the magazine, students have learned about the most interesting facts about water. From the category "Science", they met with academic researchers justifications. On the following pages reminded of the chemical and physical properties of water, got acquainted with the healing properties of this miraculous substance. On the next page "Games" have demonstrated their knowledge in many subjects and with dignity cope with the task.
After hearing a lot of content and useful information provided by the library staff, the video is viewed, the students came to the conclusion that the main task of mankind - to appreciate and cherish every drop of clear, clean water.